Classified Rates
Classified Ads!
Rates are subject to change without notice.
Up to 20 word ad $15.00 per week. Add 50¢ per word after 20 words*.
An ad is a paid ad when:
- Any ad over 15 words.
- Additional ads to the 5 free allowed per household in one week.
- Businesses, Home/Farm businesses, plants, rentals, services, daycare, etc.
- Wanted: Business, investments, jobs, real estate, items to repair for resale, recyclable - including scrap or items to scrap, roommates, antique, vintage, or collectible items, firearms or animals.
- Personals, announcements, clubs, organizations, nonprofits (ask your salesperson for nonprofit press release information), products, estate sales, flea markets, bazaars, business opportunities.
- Most animals: Animal breeders regardless of animals selling price, livestock regardless of price, pets priced at $100 or more, animal ads without a price.
- Wood: Firewood, all wood & wood products.
- Building materials priced at more than $100.
- Handcrafted items, or raw materials for crafting.
- Antiques, collections or vintage items listed with out a price, or worth $100 or more.
- Entertainment: Timeshares, gift certificates, theater/show tickets, fundraisers, etc.
- Most Guns, ammunition, reloading equipment and accessories, and other firearms related items.
- Vague unclear ads - item(s) price may be required for clarification.
- Ads running 5 times for the same type of item (example: 5 different autos, 5 different pieces of furniture, etc) for the same household - future related items will not qualify for free ads.
- Any ad with a web address in the ad
- We determine which ads are free or paid
*Subject to change
For more information call us at 541-269-0310