You can make a difference! The Long-Term Care Ombudsman program is an independent state agency serving our local long-term care facility residents? Coos and Curry Counties are desperately searching for volunteers for this lonely, vulnerable population.
Ombudsman’s reward is the smile on a resident's face as you are the only visitor they see that week, month or that year! A willingness to advocate for our forgotten elderly and a five day training program starts you on a journey knowing you are making a difference in someone’s life and giving back to the community. Aside from the training, a certified ombudsmen must be over 21, pass a background check and be able to volunteer 16 hours a month. The training is interactive on ZOOM in your own home. Zoom training does require access to a computer and a good Internet connection. Come join us!
For training, an application process must be completed. Submit an application either online or by mail or fax, be interviewed, reference checked, and a Criminal Records Check. Please consider helping some of your most vulnerable community members!
You may contact one of our local Ombudsmen directly- Edith Lanuza 541-756-5730 or Susann Steinberg 541-267-0892
Or to apply, (800) 522-2602 or email