Fosters Urgently Needed for Friends of Coos County Animals

Contributed By: Friends of Coos County  Animals(FOCCAS)

We are absolutely busting at the seams right now with 93 animals in our care and many more cats and kittens waiting for a foster home. Sadly, we’ve had to make the difficult decision to stop taking in new animals until we have more foster homes available. As a foster-based organization without a shelter, we rely entirely on dedicated volunteers to house and care for these animals. Additionally, as a registered Animal Rescue Entity (ARE), we are regulated by the state on how many animals can be placed in each foster home, which limits our capacity even further.

Our longtime fosters are worn out, and with a backlog for spay/neuter appointments keeping animals in care longer, we urgently need new fosters to help us through this exceptionally busy kitten season. If you’ve never fostered before, don’t worry! We can pair you up with one of our experienced fosters, who will be there to answer any questions and guide you along the way. Just let us know what you’re comfortable with—whether it’s an adult or teenage cat, a small litter or a dog. We can accommodate your needs to make fostering a smooth experience.

This is not just a local crisis; animal rescues and shelters across the country are stretched beyond capacity. Here in Coos County, with more pets being surrendered and fewer adopters coming forward, there is an unprecedented need for safe, loving temporary homes. If you’ve ever thought about fostering, now is the perfect time. Fostering gives animals a safe place to decompress and prepare for their forever homes. By opening your heart and home, even temporarily, you’re not just helping that animal—you’re making space for another in desperate need.

For an application and more information on how you can make a difference to the community, visit

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