Gospel Jubilee Concerts & OPEN MIC Resume

Sunday, April 6th at 3pm & the Gospel Jubilee OPEN MIC concerts will resume at Shoreline Community Church 1251 Clark St. NB & continue monthly on the 1st Sunday of each month.

The Gospel Jubilee, hosted by The Trammels, is proud to begin it's 13th season at Shoreline Community Church & is open to the entire community. The music performed is 'Live' by The Jubilee Band, a group consisting of Tom & Debbie Trammel, Steve Blum & Butch Crawford . Each Jubilee begins with a one hour concert followed by one hour of OPEN MIC. Everyone is invited to come &/or bring a song to share. There is a sign-up sheet upon arrival.

The Jubilee band will back up singers, or they can accompany themselves or bring an accompaniment track. Tom plays acoustic guitar; Debbie plays electric bass. Steve Blum plays electric lead guitar and Butch Crawford plays drums. Their music has a signature style of Country/Southern Gospel featuring new songs as well as enduring Hymns of the church & has taken them to countless places & venues down thru the years.

There is no charge to attend. Complimentary refreshments will be available. Free will offering. Directions: from Hwy 101...take Newmark, turn right on Brussels, left on Lewis, then left to church. More information, call Tom 541-521-9596 (or)

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