Oregon Oldtime Fiddlers Acoustic Jam

The Oregon Oldtime Fiddlers, District 5 will be hosting an acoustic jam on Saturday March 15th  from 1-3PM at the Odd Fellows Hall on Hiway 42S right after the intersection with Hiway 101. The event is free, everyone is welcome to come listen, dance and/or sit in with us. We always have refreshments as well as a lot of fun!

The Oregon Oldtime Fiddlers Association was formed in 1964 as a 5013c non profit whose mission is to promote, preserve, and perpetuate Old Time music and Old Time Fiddling. To encourage, especially young people, to play the fiddle and other acoustic stringed instruments and to appreciate Old Time music and Old Time Fiddling.  Also to find regular times and places to play this kind of music, so we do not loose our traditions.

Our members are people who love playing together and play at various places such as assisted living centers, state parks in summers and are available for birthdays, wedding anniversarys, etc.  Our district has members all the way from Florence to Brookings and every place in between.  

For more information, please call 541-297-3419.

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